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Jan Skácel, Milan Rúfus
Sonya Jány inspired me to the extent that I dared reaching for the poetry of Jan Skácel (1922-1989; Czech poet). And she helped me to learn poems by Milan Rúfus (1928-2009; Slovak poet). I felt bewitched in much the same way as by the works of Skácel.Naša cena: 4,95 € UNIKLUB: 4,80 €
O knihe
EAN: 9788074870460
ISBN: 978-80-7487-046-0
Vydavateľstvo: Carpe Diem
Autori: Jan Skácel, Milan Rúfus
Počet strán: 25
Jazyk: Anglický
Formát: E-kniha