The Man Who Swallowed the Wind E-kniha
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Olga Walló

How to survive in Prague. The path of exemplary orphan Ivan begins at a children’s institution in the 1950s, leading him to a seminary, madhouse and philosophical faculty, before culminating at a Mexican Embassy in the 1990s. Along the way...

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Tento produkt je elektronická kniha (e-kniha). Po jej objednaní a zaplatení Vám bude umožnené stiahnutie knihy. E-knihu je možné čítať na čítačkách e-kníh, v počítačoch alebo na tablete. Za e-knihy je možné platiť iba bezhotovostne - internet bankingom alebo kartou.

O knihe

How to survive in Prague. The path of exemplary orphan Ivan begins at a children’s institution in the 1950s, leading him to a seminary, madhouse and philosophical faculty, before culminating at a Mexican Embassy in the 1990s. Along the way, he encounters secret agents, a foolish actress, mysterious handwritten texts, and even his own stomach. Will he find his father? Or the Father Almighty? Will he find himself? Detective story turned inside out, or picaresque tale?

EAN: 9788087260449
ISBN: 978-80-87260-44-9
Vydavateľstvo: Nakladatelství Viking
Autori: Olga Walló
Počet strán: 350
Jazyk: Anglický
Formát: E-kniha

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