Assessment of Ore Deposit Settings, Structures and Proximity Indicator Minerals in Geological Exploration

Assessment of Ore Deposit Settings, Structures and Proximity Indicator Minerals in Geological Exploration

Prakash R. Golani

Springer International Publishing , 2021

Bežná cena: 138,59 € Naša cena: 131,66 € (ušetríte: 5%)Študenti: 127,77 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

This well-illustrated book aims to enhance observations and understanding of structural features and proximity-indicator minerals, critical in exploration. The book provides a unique blending of different content on observational and critical aspects of data acquisition, geological, structural, tectonic set-up, mineral deposit types, geophysical framework, and proximity indicator minerals. Combining these topics led to a comprehensive understanding to facilitate mineral targeting and exploration in green- and brown-field terrains. Besides field photographs, the write-up is lavishly supplemented with relevant geological and geophysical maps, tables, and case stories in field geology, making it useful for a much larger section of the geoscientific community professional geologists and geophysicists, students, teachers, and also decision-makers in geo-surveys and exploration.

EAN: 9783030651244
ISBN: 9783030651244
Vydavateľstvo: Springer International Publishing
Autori: Prakash R. Golani
Rok vydania: 2021
Väzba: Hardback
Rozmer: 241 x 160mm
Jazyk: Anglický jazyk

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