Basic Algebra for future teachers

Basic Algebra for future teachers

Pavel Klenovčan Miroslav Haviar

Belianum , 2016

Naša cena: 28,88 € (ušetríte: -0%)Študenti: 26,62 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

The three parts of this textbook are based on the lecture notes Algebra I -III published by the present authors in the Slovak langauge. This textbook presents those three volumes of lecture notes together as one unit of Basic Algebra. Parts I and II of this textbook are aimed at and can be used as the teaching material for the existing courses Algebra I: Algebraic structures and Algebra II: Polynomial algebra at UMB. Part III can be used for course Linear algebra I.

EAN: 9788055710358
ISBN: 9788055710358
Vydavateľstvo: Belianum
Autori: Pavel Klenovčan Miroslav Haviar
Rok vydania: 2016
Počet strán: 343
Jazyk: Slovenský jazyk

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