Beskydsky bundas E-kniha
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Beskydsky bundas E-kniha - titul je dostupný na okamžité stiahnutie

The forgotten history of the Beskydy mountains, Czechoslovakia

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Jozef Šurkovský

The book captures the former life of shepherds in the Beskydy and Valašsko regions of Czechoslovakia and revives the theme of the Beskydsky Bundas, a herding dog that has unfortunately become extinct...

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Tento produkt je elektronická kniha (e-kniha). Po jej objednaní a zaplatení Vám bude umožnené stiahnutie knihy. E-knihu je možné čítať na čítačkách e-kníh, v počítačoch alebo na tablete. Za e-knihy je možné platiť iba bezhotovostne - internet bankingom alebo kartou.

O knihe

After the successful release of the book about the Beskydský Bundáš in Czech in 2023, this book is now also available in English. The book offers a glimpse into the ancient history of the Valašsko region. In this book, author Jozef Šurkovský (*1979) not only captures the former life of shepherds in the Beskydy mountains and Valašsko, but he also revives the topic of the Beskydský Bundáš, a herding dog that has unfortunately become extinct. This herding dog, with its exceptional qualities, once roamed the pastures and meadows of the Beskydy and was an indispensable helper to local shepherds in the past century. Its uniqueness even led kynologists to include it in the list of "Czech National Dog Breeds" (previously "Czechoslovak National Dog Breeds"). Over time, however, the Beskydský Bundáš has been somewhat forgotten, which is a great pity. Hopefully, this book may one day contribute to the Beskydský Bundáš once again roaming the vast, beautiful, fragrant pastures of our Valašsko.

EAN: 9788028114428
ISBN: 978-80-281-1442-8
Vydavateľstvo: E-knihy jedou
Autori: Jozef Šurkovský
Počet strán: 79
Jazyk: Anglický
Formát: E-kniha

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