Business, Government, and Society

Business, Government, and Society


McGraw-Hill , 2005

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O knihe

Business, Government and Society, by Steiner and Steiner, was one of the very first books in this course area and has benefited greatly from the reputation of its authors. George Steiner, the father in this father-and-son team, is one of the pioneers in the field. The text includes coverage of all the distinct content areas and is known for its inclusion of historical background. Each chapter has three elements; (1) a beginning story to illustrate central themes, (2) explanatory text, and (3) a case study inviting debate about events related to the subject area. One of the most complete on the market, the 10th Edition of Business, Government and Society not only covers the stakeholder theory, but also covers a total of four theoretical models for analyzing the actions and duties of corporations. Chapter 4 includes a new discussion of the nature of socialism and its perennial challenge to capitalism. Expanded discussion of how expectations for corporate social responsibility have risen for transnational corporations in Chapter 5. Chapter 11 includes a new discussion of how the 2002 McCain-Feingold election law reforms are affecting corporate influence in elections. New chapter opening stories featuring companies and individuals highlight upcoming chapter content. New cases include such topics as KFC, Mark Kasky vs. Nike and the trial of Martha Stewart. New page margins definitions and explanations will highlight key terms to assist in student comprehension. End of chapter cases are written in depth, by the authors, giving students a broad base of information for discussion. The authors believe that students benefit from longer rather than shorter cases or short incidents. Students also benefit from immediate application of the case study to the text. Cases may be used as a basis for group discussions and additional research. These cases are approximately 10 pages each in length. Authors Steiner and Steiner use case examples to illustrate the concepts and to show the application of theory to practice. Their belief is that cases should be written to raise questions rather than answer them. Each chapter begins with a true story or incident to illustrate key concepts

EAN: 9780071116657
ISBN: 0071116656
Vydavateľstvo: McGraw-Hill
Rok vydania: 2005
Jazyk: Anglický

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