Cambridge IGCSE Combined Science Student Book

Cambridge IGCSE Combined Science Student Book

Malcolm; Gardner, Susan; Goodman, Sam; Kearsey, Sue; Sunley, Chris; Clegg, Jackie; Jinks, Sarah; Smith, Mike; Price, Gareth Bradley

HarperCollins Publishers , 2017

Bežná cena: 25,68 € Naša cena: 24,40 € (ušetríte: 5%)Študenti: 23,67 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

Collins Cambridge IGCSE(R) Combined Science provides full coverage of all core and extended topics in the new syllabus in one book. Carefully developed features including Science in Context, questions, Science Links and more allowing students to build firm scientific knowledge, develop practical skills and approach exams with confidence.

EAN: 9780008191542
ISBN: 9780008191542
Vydavateľstvo: HarperCollins Publishers
Autori: Malcolm; Gardner, Susan; Goodman, Sam; Kearsey, Sue; Sunley, Chris; Clegg, Jackie; Jinks, Sarah; Smith, Mike; Price, Gareth Bradley
Rok vydania: 2017
Počet strán: 740
Väzba: Paperback
Rozmer: 196 x 266 x 37
Jazyk: English

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