Cities' Vocabularies: The Influences and Formations

Cities' Vocabularies: The Influences and Formations

Nabil Mohareb

Springer International Publishing , 2022

Bežná cena: 161,69 € Naša cena: 153,61 € (ušetríte: 5%)Študenti: 149,06 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

This book discusses several topics regarding different vocabularies, such as sacred architecture, heritage buildings, open spaces, landmarks, and street escapes, all of which have a direct influence on the city form. The city form is also affected by the indirect impact of the citizens themselves, for example their culture, which in turn depends on the arts, as can be seen and embodied in morals, paintings, media, digital art, and sculpture. The book also examines the fundamental elements that are responsible for the identity of the city. Presenting case studies that demonstrate the how implementing the concept of the responsibility of architecture and arts affects the development of our cities, the book offers a new approach that is based on the available features of a city and explores how planners and decision-makers can use these features to address the myriad problems that our cities are facing.

EAN: 9783030519636
ISBN: 9783030519636
Vydavateľstvo: Springer International Publishing
Autori: Nabil Mohareb
Rok vydania: 2022
Väzba: Paperback
Rozmer: 279 x 210mm
Jazyk: Anglický jazyk

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