Dreams: Vintage Minis

Dreams: Vintage Minis

Sigmund Freud

Vintage Classics , 2018

Bežná cena: 4,90 € Naša cena: 4,16 € (ušetríte: 15%)Študenti: 4,36 € (ušetríte: 11%)

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O knihe

Have you ever dreamt you were naked on stage, or woken having failed an exam? In these fascinating, pioneering essays, Sigmund Freud plunges into the recesses of our minds, and awakens the hidden meanings behind our most typical and surprising night-time fantasies. From dreams of violence and death, to the more prosaic moments in our dream-life, Freud shines a light on the darkness we are often happy left consigned to night. Selected from the books The Essentials of Psycho-Analysis and The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of the Sigmund Freud, Volume IV: The Interpretation of Dreams (First Part) by Sigmund Freud

EAN: 9781784874094
ISBN: 9781784874094
Vydavateľstvo: Vintage Classics
Autori: Sigmund Freud
Rok vydania: 2018
Počet strán: 160
Jazyk: Anglický jazyk

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