Economics Analytical Introduction

Economics Analytical Introduction


Oxford University Pres , 2005

Bežná cena: 92,98 € Naša cena: 88,33 € (ušetríte: 5%)Študenti: 85,72 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

Witztum`s text is a robust and challenging introduction to the key principles of economics. It delivers a comprehensive and focused view of the logical core of economic analysis. Presented in a clear and accessible form, the content is nonetheless sufficiently developed to take students beyond mere fundamentals, teaching them to apply economic theories and models to recognisable, real life examples. The book is therefore able to prepare students for further study of economics rather than to simply acquaint them with basic concepts. The numerous exercises, questions and model answers are designed to help students better understand the relationship between models and reality. Its pure and clean, no nonsense approach quickly takes the reader to this point of understanding.

EAN: 9780199271634
ISBN: 9780199271634
Vydavateľstvo: Oxford University Pres
Rok vydania: 2005
Jazyk: Anglický

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