EU Cohesion Policy in Practice: What Does it Achieve?

EU Cohesion Policy in Practice: What Does it Achieve?

(Rowman & Littlefield International - Policy Impacts)

John Bachtler and Iain Begg

Rowman & Littlefield International

Bežná cena: 24,75 € Naša cena: 23,51 € (ušetríte: 5%)Študenti: 22,82 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

This is an excellent book by some of the best scholars in the field. It deals with both the big-picture challenges and opportunities faced by EU cohesion policy alongside the granular and specific issues faced daily. There are many lessons here not only for European scholars, but for scholars and policy makers worldwide working in regional and urban development policy. (Philip McCann, University of Groningen)

Edícia: 2016
EAN: 9781783487226
ISBN: 9781783487226
Vydavateľstvo: Rowman & Littlefield International
Autori: John Bachtler and Iain Begg
Jazyk: Anglický

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