How to Do Your Research Project

How to Do Your Research Project

2nd. Edition

G. Thomas

SAGE Publications Ltd , 2013

Bežná cena: 23,10 € Naša cena: 21,94 € (ušetríte: 5%)Študenti: 21,30 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

Direct, informative and accessible the new edition of Gary Thomas's bestselling title is essential reading for anyone doing a research project. Packed full of relevant advice and real world examples the book guides you through the complete research process. Using refreshingly jargon-free language and anecdotal evidence it is a witty, easy to follow introduction that will answer your questions, set out best practice and walk you through every stage of your project step-by-step. It covers: - How to choose your research question - Project management and study skills - Doing an effective literature review - Methodology, theory and research design - Design frames - Ethics and access - Tools for data collection - Effective data analysis - Discussing findings, concluding and writing up The second edition, expanded and updated, includes new chapters on ethics and practical concerns, has a fully integrated companion website including worksheets, annotated examples and links to SAGE Journals, and has a completely new page layout. This popular book is ideal for anyone undertaking a research project in the applied social sciences.

EAN: 9781446258873
ISBN: 9781446258873
Vydavateľstvo: SAGE Publications Ltd
Autori: G. Thomas
Rok vydania: 2013
Počet strán: 224
Väzba: paperback
Jazyk: Anglický

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