Investigation of Non-Covalent Interactions

Investigation of Non-Covalent Interactions

Shaukat Shah

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing , 2022

Bežná cena: 47,46 € Naša cena: 45,09 € (ušetríte: 5%)Študenti: 43,75 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

This book is designed to help the students doing their research work in Solution Chemistry, Ultrasonic investigation of liquids, Biophysical Sciences and Molecular liquids. Non-covalent interactions or secondary forces are very important which relates the physicochemical and catalytic reactions. Volumetric and Viscometric methods are very easy to measure these interactions which are discussed in this book. It will be helpful for students in this field. This book is simplified through various exercises.

EAN: 9786204739168
ISBN: 9786204739168
Vydavateľstvo: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Autori: Shaukat Shah
Rok vydania: 2022
Väzba: Paperback
Rozmer: 220 x 150mm
Jazyk: Anglický jazyk

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