In the last few years, a succession of conferences have taken place in several European countries relative to metal working, chiefly regarding the different steps of the iron working chain. The International Conference of Podsreda marks a distinctive stage in this study. The presentations tempt to cover all of the facets of work, from the production of iron to the manufacture of finished artifacts. A special emphasis is placed on agricultural and crafts tools. The first part of the transactions assembles general approaches to iron work attained from insight gathered recently in the fields spanning from Protohistory through the end of the Middle Ages. The second part deals with workshops dedicated to refining metal or to the manufacture of small objects. The last section concerns different categories of tools with the presentation of significant ensembles, notably several hoards, from Antiquity to the beginning of the Middle Ages. These transactions thus supply investigators with the most recent developments in iron study from a vast chronological and cultural perspective.