Laboratory Animals

Laboratory Animals

J. Guillen

Elsevier Ltd , 2013

Bežná cena: 56,22 € Naša cena: 53,42 € (ušetríte: 5%)Študenti: 51,83 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

Laboratory Animals: Regulations and Recommendations for Global Collaborative Research is the only publication to offer a compilation of standards across the world in the care, welfare and use of animals in research. Timely in the new legislation in numerous regions of the world, this book provides the information in easily accessible, readable language. For professionals across laboratory animal science and biomedical research, Laboratory Animals: Regulations and Recommendations for Global Collaborative Research provides a broad picture of the regulations required in other areas of the world and is essential to appropriately manage animal care and use programs. It offers a worldwide view and global compilation of regulations, guidelines and recommendations for laboratory animal research. It saves valuable time researching different regional legislation and regulations. It provides insight into factors that play roles in the regulatory framework for countries and geographic regions.

EAN: 9780123978561
ISBN: 9780123978561
Vydavateľstvo: Elsevier Ltd
Autori: J. Guillen
Rok vydania: 2013
Počet strán: 420
Väzba: paperback
Jazyk: Anglický

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