Landscape and Memory

Landscape and Memory

S. Schama

Amazon USA , 1996

Bežná cena: 27,78 € Naša cena: 26,39 € (ušetríte: 5%)Študenti: 25,61 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

Simon Schama takes on the ´cultural psychology of nature.´ He analyzes the history of the relationship between humans and nature, primarily through a survey of European art and mythology. The dark woods of fairy tales and modern urban parks are both repositories for our fears, dreams, and wishes, and the Western traditions towards nature are not simply a chronicle of exploitation and idealization. Schama utilizes his familiar idosyncratic narrative style--an erudite amalgam of history, fiction, audacity, and humor--to deepen our understanding of our culture´s complex relationship towards nature.

EAN: 9780679735120
ISBN: 9780679735120
Vydavateľstvo: Amazon USA
Autori: S. Schama
Rok vydania: 1996
Počet strán: 672
Väzba: paperback
Jazyk: Anglický

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