Laying Off Employees

Laying Off Employees

Harvard Business School Press Pocket Mentor

McGraw-Hill , 2009

Bežná cena: 8,69 € Naša cena: 8,25 € (ušetríte: 5%)Študenti: 8,01 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

Implementing a layoff is one of the most difficult and painful challenges a manager can face. Handled skillfully and compassionately, a layoff can set your team and your company on a positive new path. But, when handled improperly, layoffs can have negative effects that impact morale, productivity and more. This volume provides managers with valuable advice proven strategies for laying off employees.

EAN: 9781422129685
ISBN: 1422129683
Vydavateľstvo: McGraw-Hill
Rok vydania: 2009
Počet strán: 112
Väzba: paperback

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