Management Accounting in the Contemporary Business World

Management Accounting in the Contemporary Business World

Malcolm Prowle; Michael Lucas

Palgrave Higher Education (JL) , 2016

Naša cena: 73,97 € Študenti: 68,19 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

Management Accounting in the Contemporary Business World explores the nature of the changes businesses have had to contend with in the past thirty years or so, and the influence this has had on management accounting. These changes include the shift from manufacturing to services, the increased role of technology, complex supply chains and production flow, and the deregulation of markets.Management Accounting in the Contemporary Business World offers:• in-depth discussions on the role of management accounting in strategy• insight into how management accounting techniques are used in managerial processes• detailed coverage of modern costing and cost management approaches• real-world case studies to illustrate important aspects of management accounting practice.Aimed at upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate students who want to understand the operational, tactical and strategic aspects of management accounting, this book will be an invaluable tool.

EAN: 9781137387769
ISBN: 9781137387769
Vydavateľstvo: Palgrave Higher Education (JL)
Autori: Malcolm Prowle; Michael Lucas
Rok vydania: 2016
Počet strán: 264
Väzba: Paperback

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