New ideas in geology, chemistry and material research science

New ideas in geology, chemistry and material research science

Valery Zuev

LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing , 2022

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O knihe

A new version of Mendeleev Table is presented, which better explains the periodicity of elements than existing traditional versions.Energy analysis of some fundamental problems of modern geological sciences is discussed on the basis of the author's original concept of atom kernels and binding electrons. The most important analyzed problems include: energy control of processes of forming of rocks, ores and mineral associations, explanation of geospherical structure of the Earth and related properties of its substance, proof of the hypothesis of polycomponent composition of inner core, which is believed to consist of Fe-Co-Ni elements in high valence states according to positions in Periodic Table. As a result general model of the Earth structure is presented using different energy parameters of geospherical substances with revealed changing of its main properties from the surface up to the center of the Earth. An attempt is made to calculate energy formation of inner core and total energy formation of geospherical structure of the Earth during its geological history. Energetical aspects of appearance of biosphere are also discussed as concluding phase of Earth substance evolution.

EAN: 9786204735979
ISBN: 9786204735979
Vydavateľstvo: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Autori: Valery Zuev
Rok vydania: 2022
Väzba: Paperback
Rozmer: 220 x 150mm
Jazyk: Anglický jazyk

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