Operations Management

Operations Management

Creating Value Along the Supply Chain

Roberta S. Russell; Bernard W. Taylor; Ignacio Castillo; Navneet Vidyarthi

John Wiley and Sons (JL) , 2016

Naša cena: 180,01 € Študenti: 165,95 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

Today s managers need more than a clear understanding of what it takes to supervise operations through quantitative techniques, technology, and processes. They also need to learn how to effectively coordinate those operations across a global supply chain. Operations Management: Creating Value Along the Supply Chain, Canadian Edition provides a solid foundation for both qualitative and quantitative operations processes, teaching students how to analyze operational processes designed to ensure quality, create value, and optimize output in order to make organizations more successful. The authors successfully make complex topics easy to understand with frequent real–world examples, virtual online tours of service and production facilities and easy–to–understand example problems.

EAN: 9781118301173
ISBN: 9781118301173
Vydavateľstvo: John Wiley and Sons (JL)
Autori: Roberta S. Russell; Bernard W. Taylor; Ignacio Castillo; Navneet Vidyarthi
Rok vydania: 2016
Väzba: Hardback

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