Perfect Phrases for Business Letters

Perfect Phrases for Business Letters

K. O´Quinn

McGraw-Hill , 2006

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O knihe

Whether it`s writing a proposal, motivating employees, or reaching out to customers, the Perfect Phrases series has the tools you need for precise, effective communication. Distilling complex ideas into specific phrases that diplomatically and honestly depict the concepts at hand, this invaluable series provides:

* The best techniques to communicate messages and goals in business letters and proposals
* Tips for bringing out the best in every employee in every business
* Dialogues and scripts to practice interactions with customers or employees” tailorable to any industry    or company    culture
* Phrases for each step of the sales process

EAN: 9780071459761
ISBN: 9780071459761
Vydavateľstvo: McGraw-Hill
Autori: K. O´Quinn
Rok vydania: 2006
Počet strán: 159
Väzba: paperback

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