Privacy as Trust

Privacy as Trust

Information Privacy for an Information Age


Cambridge University Press , 2018

Bežná cena: 37,32 € Naša cena: 33,59 € (ušetríte: 10%)Študenti: 34,41 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

It seems like there is no such thing as privacy anymore. But the truth is that privacy is in danger only because we think about it in narrow, limited, and outdated ways. In this transformative work, Ari Ezra Waldman, leveraging the notion that we share information with others in contexts of trust, offers a roadmap for data privacy that will better protect our information in a digitized world. With case studies involving websites, online harassment, intellectual property, and social robots, Waldman shows how 'privacy as trust' can be applied in the most challenging real-world contexts to make privacy work for all of us. This book should be read by anyone concerned with reshaping the theory and practice of privacy in the modern world.

Edícia: 1
EAN: 9781316636947
ISBN: 9781316636947
Vydavateľstvo: Cambridge University Press
Autori: Waldman
Rok vydania: 2018
Počet strán: 196
Väzba: Paperback
Jazyk: Eng

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