Putting Faith in Hate

Putting Faith in Hate

When Religion Is the Source or Target of Hate Speech


Cambridge University Press , 2018

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O knihe

To allow or restrict hate speech is a hotly debated issue in many societies. While the right to freedom of speech is fundamental to liberal democracies, most countries have accepted that hate speech causes significant harm and ought to be regulated. Richard Moon examines the application of hate speech laws when religion is either the source or target of such speech. Moon describes the various legal restrictions on hate speech, religious insult, and blasphemy in Canada, Europe and elsewhere, and uses cases from different jurisdictions to illustrate the particular challenges raised by religious hate speech. The issues addressed are highly topical: speech that attacks religious communities, specifically anti-Muslim rhetoric, and hateful speech that is based on religious doctrine or scripture, such as anti-gay speech. The book draws on a rich understanding of freedom of expression, the harms of hate speech, and the role of religion in public life.

Edícia: 1
EAN: 9781108425469
ISBN: 9781108425469
Vydavateľstvo: Cambridge University Press
Autori: Moon
Rok vydania: 2018
Väzba: Hardback
Jazyk: Eng

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