Qualitative Research Design

Qualitative Research Design

An Interactive Approach, 3th. Edition

J. A. Maxwell

SAGE Publications Ltd , 2012

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O knihe

This book gives researchers and students a user-friendly, step-by-step guide to planning qualitative research. Based on a course that the author taught for 7 years at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, it is written in an informal, jargon-free style and incorporates many examples and hands-on exercises. Rather than the rigid, linear approach to design that is usually found in research methods textbooks--and which is particularly ill suited for qualitative research--this book presents a flexible, systemic model of design. This model not only better fits what experienced qualitative researchers actually do, but provides a clear framework for designing a study and developing a research proposal. This edition includes new or substantially expanded discussions of research paradigms, defining a research problem, site and participant selection, relationships with research participants, data analysis, and validity, as well as more examples and exercises.

EAN: 9781412981194
ISBN: 9781412981194
Vydavateľstvo: SAGE Publications Ltd
Autori: J. A. Maxwell
Rok vydania: 2012
Počet strán: 232
Väzba: paperback
Jazyk: Anglický

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