Streetsmart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers

Streetsmart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers

Thomas A. McLaughlin

John Wiley and Sons (JL) , 2016

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O knihe

The Hands–on Guide to the Fundamentals of Nonprofit Financial Management The revised and updated Fourth Edition of Streetsmart Financial Basics for Nonprofit Managers gives nonprofit leaders, board members, and students a practical and accessible financial guide. Filled with effective, easy–to–apply suggestions, tools, and resources, the book is written in down–to–earth terms and offers proven strategies and techniques. The author takes you through a guided tour of the most common aspects of nonprofit management such as budgeting, financial analysis, and control systems. A focus on business planning offers step by step guidance for any type of nonprofit organization. Updated to reflect various changes in the nonprofit world and in the most recent regulations and codes, this edition contains a wealth of new case studies and illustrative examples that deal with the implications of nonprofit financial management. McLaughlin has also added information on the proper financial role of boards, and he explores nonprofit financial business models in the context of growing demands from governmental purchasers and other funders. Building on its success as a desk reference and how–to guide for students and professionals, the fourth edition features ready–to–use, customizable tools including Excel templates for dozens of common tasks, calculations, and analyses.

EAN: 9781119061151
ISBN: 9781119061151
Vydavateľstvo: John Wiley and Sons (JL)
Autori: Thomas A. McLaughlin
Rok vydania: 2016
Počet strán: 368
Väzba: Paperback

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