The World of Mineral Deposits

The World of Mineral Deposits

Gunnar Ries

Springer International Publishing , 2021

Bežná cena: 43,88 € Naša cena: 41,68 € (ušetríte: 5%)Študenti: 40,45 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

This vivid introduction to economic geology not only describes the most important deposit types, but also the processes involved in their formation. Magmatic, hydrothermal and sedimentary processes as well as weathering and alteration are explained in the framework of plate tectonics and the history of the Earth. The chapter about fossil fuels includes unconventional deposits and the much-debated fracking. Other topics covered are exploration, mining and economic aspects like commodity prices.

EAN: 9783030343484
ISBN: 9783030343484
Vydavateľstvo: Springer International Publishing
Autori: Gunnar Ries
Rok vydania: 2021
Väzba: Paperback
Rozmer: 279 x 210mm
Jazyk: Anglický jazyk

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