Uranous Mineralogy of Hypergene Reduction Region

Uranous Mineralogy of Hypergene Reduction Region

Olga Alexandrovna Doynikova

Springer International Publishing , 2021

Bežná cena: 150,14 € Naša cena: 142,63 € (ušetríte: 5%)Študenti: 138,41 € (ušetríte: 8%)

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O knihe

This book offers a comprehensive view of the valuable uranium ores and analytical electron microscopy methods, including electron microdiffraction principles, an essential technique for studying uranous minerals. This book also explains the laws governing the formation of uranium mineral accumulations, based on concepts published by the renowned Russian mineralogist L.N. Belova. It addresses all types of ore uranium concentrations in the hypergene region and schematizes all uranium mineral formation processes. Readers will also find selected examples of different genetic types of uranium deposits of black sooty ores; the data gathered from all findings on ningyoite worldwide, and new crystal chemistry data on tetravalent uranium phosphates.

EAN: 9783030671822
ISBN: 9783030671822
Vydavateľstvo: Springer International Publishing
Autori: Olga Alexandrovna Doynikova
Rok vydania: 2021
Väzba: Hardback
Rozmer: 241 x 160mm
Jazyk: Anglický jazyk

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